There are few things more frustrating than waking up in the middle of the night or coming home after a long day at work to find the house is either way too hot or way too cold. When the temperature in your home isn’t “just right,” there is a good chance your thermostat is to blame. When you suspect your thermostat is the cause of your discomfort, consider the following common signs of thermostat failure.

Contact Preferred Home Services at (843) 405-3601 for more information about the signs of a malfunctioning thermostat in your home. Our certified HVAC technicians will answer your questions and recommend potential solutions to solve the problem.

Signs of Thermostat Failure

The Heater or AC Unit Won’t Start.

Wiring can shift and come loose over time. When the wiring between the thermostat and the air conditioner, furnace, or heat pump comes loose, it will break the connection and leave you cold. Wiring defects can also cause the system to misread temperature settings. This can cause irregular cycling, which doesn’t get better by adjusting the settings.

Air Conditioner/Furnace Run Continuously.

If the AC unit or furnace constantly runs and doesn’t turn off when the desired temperature is reached, the wiring within the thermostat may be failing. It can also be a sign of miscalibration, which causes the thermostat to send the incorrect signals to the air conditioner, furnace, or heat pump.

The Thermostat Is Unresponsive

One of the most common causes of thermostat failure is also the easiest to fix. Batteries are not permanent and need to be regularly changed. If your thermostat is unresponsive, change the batteries and reset the system. This often resolves the problem right away. However, if it does not, then it’s likely that it’s a wiring issue to blame.

Different Temperatures Throughout the Home

Unless your home is zoned, and the temperatures within each room are programmed to be different, the temperature within your home should be reasonably uniform from room to room. If the thermostat goes bad, it can cause the HVAC system to switch on and off irregularly. This results in places closer to the HVAC system getting more cool/hot air, with rooms furthest away getting barely any.

The Interface Won’t Respond

Modern thermostats (especially smart thermostats) are considerably more complex than previous generations. While this complexity gives greater control over comfort by providing remote access and greater programming options, it also creates more significant potential for software glitches and component failures. If the interface won’t respond, there is a good chance you need a software update or component replacement.

Contact Preferred Home Services at (843) 405-3601 for more information about the signs of a bad thermostat in your West Ashley, Summerville, or Mount Pleasant home. Our certified HVAC technicians will answer your questions and recommend potential solutions to solve the problem. We can help you diagnose and repair the problem.

DIY Troubleshooting Your Broken Thermostat

You can test your thermostat to see if the unit is running the way it should. The following steps are simple and easy to do.

Test the Settings

Always make sure the thermostat is set to “heat” in winter and “cool” in summer. Also, make sure the unit is not just set to “on.” If it is, this can cause the unit to run continuously.

Turn the Heat Up, and Then Down

Turn the heat up 5 degrees higher than usual in the winter, and then 5 degrees lower than usual in the summer. When you do this, you should hear the system “click.” This should be followed by the sound of air blowing through the vents.

Replace the Batteries

This is always a good project for spring cleaning. Simple and easy to do, it will go a long way toward preventing a battery failure from leaving you cold at night.

Clean the Thermostat

Remove dust and debris from around and within the thermostat housing. This will protect the mechanical and electrical components from damage. Make sure to use a small brush and a dry cloth; never use water to clean the inside of the cover.

Test Connections

You will want to have a certified HVAC technician test the wiring connections during your regular furnace/air conditioner maintenance visit. It takes a few minutes and can catch wiring problems before they cause a failure.

Contact Preferred Home Services at (843) 405-3601 for more information about testing your thermostat in West Ashley, Summerville, or Mount Pleasant. Our certified HVAC technicians will answer your questions and schedule a service appointment to visit your home and ensure your HVAC systems are ready to go for the rest of the season.